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Building of University
Jagadguru Rambhadracharya
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(a) To arrange for higher education of the university level for disabled .
(b) To undertake all-round development of disabled.
(c) To ensure passing of suitable legislation at the administrative and legislative level for utility of the disabled.
(d) To understand research work on areas which have remained unattendend for the development of the disabled.
(e) To understake and establish in this university free Medical Aid Centre for all-round development of disabled.
(f) To arrange national level debates for removal of obstacles in the development of disabled.
(g) To arrange and constantly act for the development of disabled persons and promote participation of society, state and the Government in this regard.
(h) To formulate suggestions for making suitable amendments in the Rules & Regulations for providing higher education to the disabled so that the interests of disabled are protected.
Note: Disability here means visually disabled , physically disabled , deaf and dumb and mentally retarted. The level of education for mentally retarted will be suitable to their needs.
Objectives of Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University
(a) The university will provide the facilities of resiedence, food, clothing, education and training etc. to all disabled without any reservation of caste, creed and religion free of cost.
(b) The university will undertake to provide as far as possible all essential and latest techniques of education to disabled person of all four types like visually blind, physically disabled, mentally retarted and deaf and dumb.
(c) University endeavours to provide education on disciplane and such parameters of education so that disabled to not feel left out humans in the society.
(d) University will endeavour to undertake research on all problems relating to disabled which are the reasons for their dismemnerment from the society and to undertake work place and lecture sessions in the presence of known and famous national and international scholars and to incorporate the suggestions to alleviate such problems of the disabled.
(e) University will undertake physical and mental analysis of the disabled persons and will undertake to protect their mental and physical status in times-bound programmes.
(All these departments will be used for education to physically disabled. Law and education will also be taught to physically disabled.)
1. Each of the above departments will have five classrooms, one room for the head of the Department, 2 for the Reader and 1 room for the staff. Thus, a total 9 rooms will be required.
2. Each of the Department will have 9 separate rooms.
3. In the Department of Science And Agriculture on additional room will be required for housing the laboratory.
4. 1 room in all the Deptts will be required for library.
5. Therefore, all the Departments will have 11 rooms each, thus a total of 55 rooms for the 5 departments and 32 rooms for social Science Deptt. Therefore total 87 rooms will be required in the Graduation Section. Similary, sufficient accommodation for hostel and mess will be required to accommodate the graduate and post graduate classes will have to be slightly better than the Higher Secondary School.
There is probability of 12 crores expected expenditure to complete above all projects. I have seen the God in Handicapped .So I do not only hope but this is my firm belief that with all your co-operation I will serve that God who is in form of Handicapped. They might get good fortune to live in this society with self-respect after being educated. |
Shri Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Ji placed before all office bearers and members of Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Viklang Shishan Sansthan a plan with a view to achieve the objectives of Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Vikalang Shikshan Sansthan. The said plan was accepted with one voice by all the members and office bearers of the trust to establish a university for the disabled and for this purpose, the need for the land was felt and therefore, 15 acres of suitable land was purchase at a total cost of Rs.17 Lakhs near 'Ramayan Mela' Sitapur, Karvi Road , Chitrakoot Dham (U.P)
Bhoomi Poojan Ceremony for commencing the construction of the disabled university was organised in the presence of Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Ji Maharaj. On this festive occasion , social workers like Nanaji Deshmukh , the then Health Ministe4r, Utter Pradesh Shri Shivkant Ohja were present.
1. The University will provide for education and training of disabled of four types from the junior most level to the senior most level and prepare them for obtainig national and international degrees and diplomas as well as prepare them for self-employment.
2. To provide free residence, food, clothing and other essential requirements for day use to all disabled students.
3. To provide all students of the University latest equipment for their education and training like brail, typing machines, computers , hearing aids, walking aids and special type of typing machines for physically disabled.
4. To provide brail press, brail library , hearing tape recorder , calculator on brail system, folding sticks etc. for visually disabled students.
5.To provide wheel chairs , tricycles, crutches, calipers, typing machines with the help of feet for physically disabled.
6. To provide essential equipments for deaf and dumb students to undertake suitable training etc.
7. To understand suitable level of education and related equipment and to undertake their development in laboratory as well as to provide suitable modes of earnings through small scale industries for mentally retarded students.
8.To establish a Training Centre, to prepare teachers and trainers for mentally
disabled.Besides, the University will also undertake the Eye Bank and Limb Bank.
9. To arrange separate residential accommodation facilities and libraries for all the four types of disabled.
10. To establish special training center for education of music to visually disabled.
11. Toestablish separate center for education and training of disabled girl students and to make separate arrangement for all equipment for them.The university endeavours to provide education and training facilities to the girl
students either at their homes or make suitable arrangements to commute between their houses and the university.
12. To undertake all medical facilities to all the disabled and with this purpose to establish a Hospital with latest techniques and equipments.Facility will also be provided to any of the four who may be interested in undergoing mediacal facilities for disabled.
13. To provide compulsory commercial training to all types of disabled and to provide suitable opportunities for trade.
14. This university for disabled will be affiliated with all important national and international instituations and students from all over the world will be accepted in the university without any distinction of caste,creed,religion and language.
It will be an endeavour of the university to get recognition as center for disabled of all religions and castes.
Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Viklang Shikshan Sansthan is a social and
Educational society which is full devoted to the service of down-trodden and disabled. Nothing will be charged from the disabled students in this university and all the facilities will be given free of cost. Therefore, there will be no source of income of the university from the students.This institution is dependent on liberal donors.The State Govt. has not contributed anything to the project so far.
The trust will be in contact with donors from the Society who may feel interested in helping it and will also request the State and Central Governments in this regard.The institute will also attempt to bring in foreign aid after seeking permisson from FCRA under the Home Ministry. |